Monday, April 11, 2011


It's a cryin-shame that I didn't post yesterday. I inserted cryin cause I hate the word "shame". For shame. You should be ashamed of yourself. That's a shame. That's a real shame. I don't know for some reason that word makes my blood boil. Yeah, so anyways.  Yesterday I actually did something blog worthy. I hung out with my amazingly talented sister in law, Linda. She is the queen of all things domestic and crafty. Obviously, we did crafts, and she showed me some of her party puff making ways. Two things I admire most about Linda:

1. She is completely and totally focused on details. (Something I struggle with)
2. She is completely and totally modest about her awesomeness. (Also, something I struggle with)

For selfish reasons I want her to go into business as a party planner or something of the sort. Mainly so I can be her assistant and sample all the food.
A couple weeks ago she was like, "Steph, can I help you throw Luci's birthday party? I have all this stuff and ideas for it." Uhm, yes, yes you can. So that's what we were working on. I hope she isn't onry at me for posting this, she doesn't like this kind of attention. But I had to pay tribute.


The McCloys said...

Linda is awesome! I wish I could be there to get together with you guys and craft. I hope Luci's birthday is fun!

Stephanie said...

Yes, she really is. :) OH I know Kim. That's sad. I'm really excited. Hopefully it doesn't rain. Sorry we aren't going to make it to the blessing!

Toni said...

Yeah that is awesome.. too bad Indie's birthday isnt after Luci's so I could just reuse her party! I am way excited to see her party.. now what to get her......