Friday, April 15, 2011

Eli is going to Kindergarten!

I registered Eli today for Kindergarten. I can't believe he is that old already! Well, they had this orientation where they took them all around in little groups and showed them the school and did these...things. I don't know what they did. But Eli got shy and wouldn't go. Poor kid, he is going to have to get over that. It was pretty sad actually. He left with his group and then returned like a minute later totally crying. So we took our own tour and played in the special Kindergarten play ground. Probably seventy percent of the people there were in my ward. It was pretty cool.
Oh and talk about cool, this school is awesome! It's all spacey. There are gigantic planets hanging from the ceiling in the library, and some of the windows look like space, if that makes sense. There are all these glowing signs above hallways and doors that remind me of star trek, or a disneyland ride line. It's a really nice school. I'm so excited! Pretty sure I'm way more excited than Eli is. But he's warming up to it. :)