Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh Boy! Four days in a row!

Today was another normal day. The boys and I practiced kicking the soccer ball to each other. We looked for earth worms and rolly-pollies. We rode bikes. We rode up to Toni's but alas, they weren't home. We planted seed for the garden, and I managed to get a good chunk of the grass that is impeding on said garden ripped up. I'll take a picture of that tomorrow. It's actually a much bigger bugger than you might think. Here's a photo of some of our start thingy's . Something to look at.


cAsSy said...

I need to start my seeds too! I always start from seed but to make my life easier I just might buy my plants. I'll take the easy route!

Stephanie said...

Seeds are so much fun to watch. I'll probably get plants too though. I am still not extremely confident in my seed starting skills. Last year they worked out fine, but then I killed them once I transplanted them to the garden. I'm determined this year. This is happening, I am going to have a garden that I eat from this year! lol